
Law and Software

With or Without DACA You Are Still American DREAMers

[November, 2016] By Andy Bartlett. Filed under: DACA,Immigration Law

I’d like to make a few comments. They may be helpful

Since the election, many people are making scary comments and predictions about immigration in the new Donald Trump world.  I don’t believe that these nightmare predictions trouble the undocumented community too much – you are a tough bunch. People who have fled the gangs in Central America or other terrible experiences, and have risked their lives crossing desert and the Rio Grande are survivors. People who have lived here for years, honestly and bravely raising their families for a better life despite all the roadblocks that face them are determined in the face of adversity.  But your children, raised here – even if not born here – are American kids (as President Obama calls them). And for them, the country they  love is changing in inexplicable ways. And their social media is full of very dire and terrifying opinion.  This post is for these children and young adults. I have learned a huge amount from you all, and some I count as precious friends. more…

The Truthiness of Judge Hanen’s Opinion

[March, 2015] By Andy Bartlett. Filed under: DACA,DAPA,Ethics,Immigration Law

I wrote this analysis earlier in the year, when Judge Hanen applied his injunction. But I wrote it for myself, not with a view to publish. I assumed that the lawyers would raise all these issues and more, and the appeals court would sort out the mess. Since Judge Hanen severely reprimanded the government lawyers for “misleading” him about the three-year DACA awards that were accidentally given after his injunction, I assume that the misinformation in his opinion was also accidental – probably due to misleading arguments in briefs offered to him by the parties. more…

DAPA – my concerns

[November, 2014] By Andy Bartlett. Filed under: DACA,DAPA,Immigration Law

I haven’t changed my view from August about deferred action. But it is all we’re likely to get for a while, so I’ll quit complaining about it, and get on with the work.  My concern is that the nonprofits gearing up for the very large DAPA demand are going to follow the same strategy of workshops and volunteers that they used for DACA.


DACA – work makes you free

[August, 2014] By Andy Bartlett. Filed under: DACA,Immigration Law,law

Another day spent with kids doing their DACA renewals, and some just starting out on this road. DACA may be the best there is but it is not good. The kids have to sit at the back of the bus. They are separate but equal. Just without any pretense of equal. They have lawful presence but not lawful status. They are statusless. They didn’t ask for this and they act grateful for the crumbs thrown from the master’s table. Filling out the forms feels like helping stitch a triangle onto their shirts. I cannot tell the difference between these young people and “real americans” other than this triangle that they have to wear. I am the kapo who puts them in the safe line for the work detail

DACA Winners and Losers

[August, 2013] By Andy Bartlett. Filed under: DACA,Immigration Law

The July (2013) USCIS Office of Performance and Quality  report  gives a list of acceptances and approvals by country of origin. more…

DACA Denials

By Andy Bartlett. Filed under: DACA,Immigration Law

In July (2013) the USCIS Office of Performance and Quality  reported 7.1% of DACA applications denied during review. That’s 1 in 13 who apply. Unlucky 13. Why the increase in DACA denials,  when – until May and the first 360,000 reviews – the denial rate was less than 3%? more…